Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Three Easy Party Appetizers Using French Bread

This past weekend we celebrated his birthday by inviting friends over to eat eat eat. In all, we made more than ten different dishes ranging from hot to cold, finger food to knife and fork, salad to meat based. Many have already been blogged about in the past, including German Potato Salad, Italian Pasta Salad, Fleischküchle (German Meatballs), and guacamole with chips. Others we will write about in the upcoming weeks. For this entry, we thought we would share three super easy recipes you can make with just some French bread and a few other ingredients.


We already blogged about this one here so we won't go into detail, but with some French bread, tomatoes, garlic, onion, olive oil,  basil, and salt and better you can make a delicious appetizer. Just prepare for the garlic breath everyone at your party will have!

Cream Cheese and Lox Bites:

These were eaten up so quickly that we had to make a second batch. All you need is:

French bread
Cream cheese
Oregano and pepper

Slice the french bread into thin pieces (we aimed for about 1cm). Spread cream cheese over one side of the bread, add a piece of lox, a dab of horseradish (not too much if your guests don't like spicy) and sprinkle with a little freshly ground pepper and oregano. Yum!

Pesto Pieces:

You cannot get easier than this if you take the lazy route (we did!). Slice the French bread into thin pieces, put under the oven for a few minutes so they are lightly browned, and then spread a small amount of pesto over one side of the warm bread. If you want to go homemade, make your own pesto!

Try these three very easy and inexpensive appetizers at your next party. Low stress and do not have to be kept warm = success!

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